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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Prayers Of The Far Right

There's been quite a bit of talk lately about how people are approaching the subject of death in regards to ones ideological opposites or perceieved enemies.

Fringe conservative "pastor" Wiley Drake is openly "praying" for Barack Obama's death. But, he says it's not really saying anything - it's actually God saying this.

No, seriously.

*click image to play audio from Alan Colmes radio program*

Why is this not suprising? It's because conservatives rationale for most of the idiotic things they say and do is that "God" told them to or that they were following the "word of the bible".

Whether Drake's "death prayer" is an isolated incident or not can't be determined as a concrete yes or no answer, but Obama has this uncanny ability to bring out the crazy, religious, zealots by simply being a black man with a funny name that just happened to win the Presidential election by a majority vote.

( h/t: Paddy @ The Political Carnival )

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