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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hatred Of Kids

I always knew in the back of my head that the story about this.

A lesbian teen who successfully sued her Mississippi school for the right to bring her girlfriend to prom was left out and was instead directed to a "fake prom" on Friday, according to The Advocate.

Constance McMillen, her date and just a handful of others, including two classmates with learning disabilities, attended the dance in Fulton, Mississippi while most of her other classmates from Itawamba Agricultural High School reportedly partied at a separate prom that McMillen was not invited to.

The report from The Advocate as well as the "this" link above show precisely what conservativism today is about - you're allowed life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness unless you're gay.

Absolutely fucking disgusting.

1 comment:

Darius Whiteplume said...

Yeah! Now we can keep the fruits and the 'tards from spoiling our storybook high school experience!

Please note, that was sarcasm.

One of my fav anecdotes about conservatives and gays is when Lynne Cheney was on Fresh Air and Terry Gross asked about one of her books, in which the main character is considered to be a lesbian. To paraphrase:

TG: "Did the characters sexual orientation have anything to do with your daughter being a lesbian?"

LC: "What do you mean?"

TG: "The main character is a lesbian."

LC: "No she isn't."

Not to cast aspersions, but I am pretty sure Terry Gross knows a thing or two about lesbians. It's a shame Cheney doesn't.

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