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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Someone, Please Help This Woman

She has a journalism degree and she can't name one newspaper or magazine that she reads.

I am almost speechless at this point.

Click here to watch the video.

Palin brought up her journalism degree during her interview ( read: game of t-ball ) with right-wing talking-head Hugh Hewitt:

HH: Now Governor, the Gibson and the Couric interview struck many as sort of pop quizzes designed to embarrass you as opposed to interviews. Do you share that opinion?

SP: Well, I have a degree in journalism also, so it surprises me that so much has changed since I received my education in journalistic ethics all those years ago. But I’m not going to pick a fight with those who buy ink by the barrelful. I’m going to take those shots and those pop quizzes and just say that’s okay, those are good testing grounds. And they can continue on in that mode. That’s good. That makes somebody work even harder. It makes somebody be even clearer and more articulate in their positions. So really I don’t fight it. I invite it.

So, is it now the media's fault that Palin can't name a magazine that she has read?

How did this woman become governor of Alaska?

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